
SynapsesAI is a multi-cloud cost management mobile app that provides visibility of spending, identifies waste, and presents recommendations to reduce waste and save money. Customers can view and manage multiple cloud accounts (Amazon Web Services, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform) in one convenient location.

When I joined the team, there were already designs in place. But after evaluating the user flow of the previous designs, I came up with an alternative user flow that I felt was more intuitive for the user.


Client: SynapsesAI

Software: Sketch

Prototype: InVision


Previous Budget User Flow

  • Step 1: Tap “Settings” in the bottom nav bar

  • Step 2: Tap a cloud service within the “Budget” section

  • Step 3: Tap a time period (day/month/quarter/year)

  • Step 4: Tap a button that toggled a list of months (it also required you to tap the X button to hide the list of months and apply your selection)

  • Step 5: Enter budget amount

  • Step 6: Tap “Save changes” button

Rather than living within each specific cloud’s screen, “Budget” lived within “Settings” (and it was also the only cloud-specific action within “Settings”). On the Budget screen, there was no way to view all active budgets at once, and it was a multi-step process to view each type of budget. There was also no obvious way to delete a budget.

My Proposed Budget User Flow

  • Step 1: Tap a cloud service on the “Home” screen

  • Step 2: Tap the hamburger icon

  • Step 3: Tap “Budget”

  • Step 4: Tap “Create new budget” button

  • Step 5: Enter budget details

  • Step 6: Tap “Create budget” button

I proposed to have all actions associated with a specific cloud live inside a menu on that specific cloud’s screen. I also designed a way to view all active budgets at once and create a budget in a very straightforward manner.

I also made it easy to update and delete an active budget.


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